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Huge FBX Mocap Library part 1 : Conversion of the Carnegie-Mellon mocap library with 2,534 mocap animations.Animation Baker : Converts Mecanim animations back to legacy animations.Google Analytics Plugin : Allows game developers to easily implement Google Analytics in their Unity games on all platforms.Unity Movement AI : A library of steering behaviors to help your NPCs move around your game.RAIN AI for Unity : An incredibly powerful path finding and behavior tree based AI plugin for Unity.TopDown AI : This is an example of Top Down Shooter AI.Panda BT Free : Panda BT is a script-based Behaviour Tree engine which allows the authoring of complex, scaleable and reusable logic for your game.Goap : Goal oriented action planning AI in Unity.Crystal AI : A Utility based AI for C# and Unity.Behavior Bricks : Behavior Bricks is a state-of-the-art engine for Behavior Trees (BTs) along with an intuitive visual editor.This copy of that list was curated by Zach Danz in the Summer of 2017

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The duplication of that list here is simply to ensure its preservation. The original form of this list is maintained by the Procedural Worlds team, authors of GAIA and GeNa at.Free Unity Assets Mega List Free Unity Assets Mega List

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